In 1995, Mark’s life path went in a different direction than expected He was newly married, pursuing a second university degree and working for the Winnipeg No. 1 School Division when the call to serve vulnerable youth became undeniably strong. Months later, Mark quit his job and began fundraising to work for YFC in Winnipeg. Then in 2000, he and his wife moved to Vancouver to serve with Greater Vancouver Youth Unlimited and by 2014, he had accepted the role of Executive Director!
Mark can’t imagine his two boys walking through life without hope and with no caring adult to share life with. Sadly, this is the story for countless youth. But it shouldn’t be this way and it doesn’t need to be this way. Thankfully, YU has a beautifully compassionate and competent staff team who feel the same way, and thousands of community partners like you, who make it possible to walk alongside more than 10,000 youth, helping them discover hope through healthy relationships with others and with God.
Mark grew up in an environment where caring for vulnerable kids was the norm. His family opened its doors to kids who were unwanted and discarded, loving them as they were. That’s where Mark saw the difference it made to have a few godly, caring adults in their lives, pulling for them, praying for them and providing opportunities to grow.
Mark loves what he does, feels honoured to serve the YU team and is consistently blown away by the support YU receives from people like you.
Together we can transform the world our youth live in—but we can’t do it without you.
Take ActionEvery dollar makes a difference at YU. Thanks to low overhead and the maximization discounted and gifted vendor relationships, YU stretches each dollar to often double or triple its value.