April 2, 2023

      Youth Unlimited would not exist today without our founding volunteers. Nor would it flourish without volunteers generously investing, supporting staff to help make it run. From cooks and bakers to snowboard instructors, from board members to compassionate listeners — the serving community is woven into YU’s fabric. This issue explores the inspiring stories of three incredible volunteers.       When she retired, Sylvia didn’t think twice about helping homeless youth at the MY House program in Mission. “The more adults these kids can rely on, the better,” says Sylvia, who was a high school receptionist for...

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November 1, 2022

Sharon Graham, a loving and dedicated grandmother, has helped her family weather life’s storms — and to say the last few years have been stormy is a big understatement. Her granddaughters, Ashley, who is part of Youth Unlimited’s Jesters Theatre program, and her sister Danielle, have had a front row seat to those challenges.        With the help of her husband, Ted, grandma Sharon has been a caregiver to the teens and their mom, Sherry, since 2003, when Danielle was born. During the pandemic, momma Sherry, who had already suffered a great deal in life, underwent multiple painful operations and eventually...

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August 31, 2022

For Virginie, a single mother of seven in Kigali, Rwanda, life often seemed hopeless. With little income and no family support, Virginie could only imagine small dreams for her children. For most low-income children in Rwanda education ends at grade six, so Virginie’s hopes for her children ended there. “I was young and alone in caring for my children and struggling for life,” she says. “I thought, if my children could read and write, then that would be enough for them.” That all changed in 2007 when Virginie learned of a school sponsorship program at YFC’s newly founded Kigali Christian...

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June 1, 2022

At age 21, Skye knew her long-term life goal was to open a youth drop-in centre in her Alberta home town, but she had no idea where to start. At age 20, Megan was unsure if she wanted to work with youth, let alone leave her home province of Quebec, but she knew her experience in ministry was drawing her toward something.         Yet once both women learned about Youth Unlimited’s Lifeteams School of Youth Outreach, they knew they’d found the next step on their journey. They moved provinces and jumped into the learning, challenge and growth that Lifeteams offers....

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Together we can transform the world our youth live in—but we can’t do it without you.

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Every dollar makes a difference at YU. Thanks to low overhead and the maximization discounted and gifted vendor relationships, YU stretches each dollar to often double or triple its value.
