Thirty skateboard youth were gathered in a big circle, sitting on their boards chatting, laughing, eating snacks and goofing around. It was a typical Monday night Skate Club. I threw out a question as part of our TFTN (Thought for The Night). “How many of you watch at least one movie per week?” Every hand shot up. “How about 2 movies per week?” Not one hand dropped. “How about 3 movies a week?” A few hands were lowered. This went on till I reached 10 movies per week and one hand remained. Initially I was shocked, but then as I thought more about it, it made sense. Movies are stories and today’s youth can’t get enough of them.
Truth is, we all have an insatiable appetite for stories. It’s always been this way, we’ve just found new ways to tell them. Stories captivate and draw us in like nothing else, especially stories of transformation.
Neurologists have determined that when it comes to any form of communication our brains are either doing one of two things: trying to understand what is being communicated or conserving calories — also known as day dreaming. Maybe you started conserving calories while reading that last sentence? How often have you found yourself in a meeting, seminar, or in church service, listening to someone communicate something of value and yet your mind is wandering, but as soon as they begin sharing a personal story, BOOM; you are drawn back in. Consider this: a movie can captivate a 14-year-old skateboard kid’s attention for two hours. That’s the power of story!
We are all living a story, one filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, failures and triumphs. At Youth Unlimited we believe our story is also God’s story. We exist because a loving, intelligent, purposeful Creator breathed life into us. Our story starts there. We can freely choose to write our own story or invite the Creator to write it with us. In my 25 years with Youth Unlimited, I have been witness to countless stories of transformation where youth have embraced the love and grace of Jesus in the context of the loving communities we provide.
In this edition of Connections, you will catch a glimpse of how God is involved in writing Stephanie’s story and how our Youth Unlimited team has been written into the script.
“I’ll let you in on the sweet old truths, stories we heard from our fathers, counsel we learned at our mother’s knee. We’re not keeping this to ourselves, we’re passing it along to the next generation — God’s fame and fortune, the marvelous things he has done.” — Psalms 79
Grateful for your role in their story,
Mark Koop

Executive Director