“Be kind, for everyone you meet is
fighting a battle you know nothing about”
That reminder is nestled at the bottom of every one of Eric Ens’ emails and is the embodiment of how he lives.
A Volleyball BC Hall of Famer, a former Youth Unlimited Executive Director, an outstanding coach and youth worker, Eric has been supported by YU partners to directly impact the lives of thousands of youth in his 33 (and counting) years of service.

It was 1987. It was the year of mullets, Air Jordan’s, and oversized blazers. It was also the year 26-year-old Eric Ens took a leap of faith and began work at Youth Unlimited (then YFC).
He started coaching volleyball and basketball at a junior high school in Richmond and met Brandon, a strong grade-nine football player, who “thought he was pretty cool,” chuckles Eric. Beneath the cool exterior was a young man struggling to come to terms with some big challenges, including a mother with mental issues and the pain of an absent father.
“He was such a smart guy, I saw so much potential in him,” says Eric about Brandon, “but he was making some bad decisions, and starting down a slippery slope.”
Eric’s genuine care and brilliant sense of humor made many kids feel safe enough to tease him—and Brandon especially loved it. One day, Brandon was mocking Eric about the next program he would run, so Eric hollered back, “if you want to learn more about it, we’ll do it at your house.” Brandon laughed at the ridiculous thought and said “ya sure.”
“I called his bluff,” said Eric. The next thing Brandon knew, his address was being blared over the school’s PA system, and 90 kids showed up at his tiny townhouse that night. The rest was history. Brandon accepted his surprise hosting role and soon became a young leader, as Eric encouraged and mentored him.


“Eric gave of himself as I had never seen before,” says Brandon. “He cared about everyone and looked out for all of us no matter what stupid things we were doing. He worked tirelessly to save us from ourselves. He was the closest thing I ever had to a father figure. He showed me how to have love and compassion for myself and others. Eric listened to me when no one else would. Eric believed in me when few others did (including myself). He celebrated me and gave me a sense of self-worth. Eric told me that he loved me, which I remember was uncomfortable as a teenager, as no male had ever said that to me. Eric prayed for me a lot, he encouraged me to allow Christ in through prayer.”
There are quite literally hundreds (maybe thousands) of Eric’s youth who have different versions of this same mentorship story.
“Eric has been an example to youth workers across the country,”

says Andy Harrington, who served as his boss for 13 years. “A lot people looked to him for the style of work he was doing. His understanding of holistic, integrative youth was way ahead of the times. Eric taught me more about youth work than almost anyone else in the last 30 years.”

Eric wasn’t just gifted in spending time helping kids, he also pulled together programs and partnerships that had province-wide impact. This included establishing Air Attack, the first volleyball club in BC, created with a purposeful “no-cut” policy which wasn’t possible on school sports teams, inevitably leaving kids out. The program was so popular that thanks to help from local hero Rick Hansen, whose daughters all went through the program, it became its own non-profit. Today it’s the largest volleyball club in BC.
Eric has officiated weddings, baptized youth and been like a pastor to kids. He also spearheaded the creation of a provincial championship for junior high volleyball players.

It’s hard to quantify the impact of prevention, but it’s likely no coincidence that so many of Eric’s former youth are flourishing today. In 2014, Eric had a surprise encounter. A routine visit to meet the principal of a new

school he’d be coaching at had both Eric and the principal in jaw-dropping delight. Brian, the principal, was one of the youth from Eric’s first cohort. The happy reunion led Brian to join Eric as a basketball coach at the school; roles they both continue to this day.
“I have known Eric for over 40 years,” says Brian. “He coached my brother and I in our youth and has been an example of what we should be—honest, genuine, humble, caring, loyal and kind. Now that I coach with him, again I see the positive impact he has on so many people, including myself. I am extremely fortunate to have him as a friend and mentor.”
And what became of Brandon? Now one of Vancouver’s finest, Brandon is a senior constable with the Vancouver Police Department, and is involved with inner city kids in a variety of programs. One program is ‘Yo Bro/Yo Girl’, a youth initiative with a former Hells Angel which engages at-risk local youth.
“I love this remarkable man and all that he has taught me,” says Brandon. “I owe him a lifetime debt of gratitude and try to honor him by giving back to my communities. I thank God for putting Eric in my life when I needed him most and staying connected in friendship all these years.”
