February 24, 2023

In Aveena’s early teen years, she realized the importance of having a consistent person who cared about what was going on in all aspects of her life, which grew into a desire to do the same for others who are in that stage of life right now. Now, Aveena does just that; walking alongside young parents through our Young Families and Thrive programs. These programs help to break generational cycles of trauma and help young mothers and their families succeed in the community. Caring for young moms as a whole person and allowing them to realize that they have options;...

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July 20, 2020

Bailey joined the Youth Unlimited family in the summer of 2020 and works at our Creative Life program in East Vancouver. There the team serves youth by creating spaces of transformation through the arts. Bailey’s role involves programming the weekly studio workshops and helps set a direction for the curriculum to give the best experience to vulnerable youth. “I have experienced how transformative art can be in my own life.” Bailey believes that creative spaces encourage us to be ourselves and welcome us as we are. Simply being creative together helps us find belonging. It allows us to connect with...

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June 26, 2018

I have the privilege of passing on God’s love, wisdom and peace. Barry heard God’s clear direction to work with the at risk youth in East Vancouver during a chapel service in 1976. And that’s just what he did before moving to Mission with his family of four children and his beautiful wife in 1993 to become a part of the staff team at Youth Unlimited! “Over the years, some of the challenges facing youth have changed and some of the methods to help the youth have changed, but what hasn’t changed is the need that young people have for...

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April 21, 2023

As a teenager, Calvin spent his summers working at camp, which is where he first felt called to youth ministry. Calvin graduated from Columbia Bible College in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies and worked at the college as an Academic Support Advisor for one year before joining the Youth Unlimited team on staff. Calvin is passionate about walking with teenagers through the everyday stuff of life. He believes that the Kingdom of God permeates all parts of life, even the most mundane things, and wants to live a life of invitation into that Kingdom. Calvin is also...

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